There are two types of FSC certificates available from certification bodies:
•Forest Management (FM) Certificate
(森林管理认证) Forest management certification involves an inspection of the forest management unit by an independent FSC-accredited certification body to check that the forest complies with the internationally-agreed FSC Principles of Responsible Forest Management.
•If the forest complies with FSC standards, then the FSC accredited certification body issues a certificate for the operation. Certified forest operations can claim the forest products they produce come from a responsibly managed forest.
•Before a certified forest operation can sell their products as FSC certified, they must also obtain chain of custody certification (FM/COC).
•Chain of Custody (COC) Certificate
(供应商链管理认证)Chain of custody certification provides a guarantee about the production of FSC-certified products. Chain-of-custodý is the path taken by raw materials from the forest to the consumer, including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution.
•From a customer perspective, the FSC label represents a promise that is being made to them. Chain of custody standards are the mechanism FSC has to ensure that 'promise' is delivered.
•Operations that have been independently verified for FSC chain of custody certification are eligible to label their products with the FSC logo.
通过FSC COC认证的业主,将被允许在他门的产品上贴上FSC的标签.