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SEDEX认证是指供应商商业道德信息交流认证,SEDEX是一套数据库,用于帮助各公司储存其业务范围内的劳动准则信息,而且客户也可以共享这些信息。 Sedex会员道德贸易审核(SMETA)是世界上使用最为广泛的商业道德审核格式之一。




发布者:admin 发布时间:2019-09-25 点击率:2333

Audit Introduction For Applicants

SMETA(Sedex 成员道德贸易审核)审核简介

Declaration: Below information is for all applicants reference only and it is just a brief of the audit’s introduction which is base on client’s requirements, it is designed for your preparation with regard to the audits. It doesn’t mean you just need to provide below information for the auditors, auditors may require more documents/information according to actual situation during the audit.


1.Audit Type: 审核类型

1)SMETA social audit is a kind of CSR audit.

2)Usually SMETA audits are announced audits. Sometimes the audits may be announced or unannounced or semi-announced depend on client’s specific requirement.

3)The client would make final decision on whether a follow-up audit is needed or not.

4)SMETA report will be uploaded into Sedex Database which could be shared by all Sedex members.

5)No certificate will be issued in SMETA program.

6)Environment and Business Integrity are two supplementary audits which are optional. The end buyer will make decision whether the two sections are needed or not.

7)The factory should provide the original the certificates which are direct related to factory for review.

8)During onsite tour, if necessary, the production-related records would be sample checked.

1) SMETA 社会责任审核是企业社会责任审核的一种。

2) 通常 SMETA 审核是通知审核. 但是有时候审核是否通知须依照客户的具体要求,有可能是通知审核不预先通知审核或半通知审核。

3) 审核结束后是否需要跟进审核由客户决定。

4) SMETA 审核报告可上传至 Sedex 数据库, 且可以与 Sedex 成员共享。

5) SMETA 审核不出具证书。

6) 环境保护和商业诚信两部分审核是 SMETA 的补充审核。并非强制性项目。最终买家将决定是否需要覆盖此两部分。

7) 审核中,请工厂提供与工厂有直接关系的证书或执照等的原件。

8) 在现场审核中,与生产相关的资料如有需要也会做相应的检查。

2.Audit Scope 审核范围 :

1)Initial audit: at least the last 12 month records of working hour and wage should be provided. For new factories operating less than a year, all working hours and wages records since the beginning of operation till the audit day should be review with a minimum of 3 months.

2)Follow up audit: All wages and working hours records since last visit with a minimum of 2 months fresh records would be reviewed.

3)All areas under the same business license of the audited facility will be covered.

1) 首次审核: 需提供至少最近 12 个月的工资工时记录。如果是营业不足一年的新工厂,则需要提供自从开厂以来至审核当天所有且最少不低于 3 个月的工资工时记录。

2) 跟进审核:工厂应提供从上次审核后结束至审核当天之间所有的且最低不少于两个月的工作时间和工资记录。否则该次重审无效。

3) 原则上同一营业执照下的所有范围都应该覆盖。(即使工厂有几个厂区和不同的生产线。)

3.Audit Contents: 审核内容

1.Employment Freely Chosen 自由选择雇佣关系

2.Freedom of Association 自由结社和劳资谈判的权力

3.Safety and Hygienic Conditions 安全卫生的工作条件

4.Child Labor 不使用童工

5.Wages and Benefits 合理的工资

6.Working Hours 合理的工作时间

7.Discrimination 不歧视

8.Regular Employment 正规的雇佣关系

9.Harsh or Inhumane Treatment 不用苛刻和不人道的方式对待雇员

10.Environment & Business Integrity 环境保护和商业道德(可选择)

4.Main Audit Method : 审核的主要方法

a.Management staff interview 管理人员访谈

a. b.On-site inspection 现场审核

b. c.Document review 文件审核

c. d.Workers interview 工人访谈

5.Critical Noncompliance of SMETA: SMETA 审核的严重不符合项

Child Labor 童工

Involuntary Labor 非自愿劳工 Coercion & Harassment 胁迫与骚扰 Discrimination 歧视

Physical Abuse 体罚

Dangerous Working Conditions that pose immediate threat to workers’ life and safety


Bribery (商业诚信)

6.Criteria: 评分标准

There is no pass or fail grading/scoring system in SMETA audit. The final results would be decided by the end buyer/client.

SMETA 审核没有采用过与不过的等级或者任何打分系统等。最终的结果将由最终买家或者客户来决定。


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