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好市多(Costco)是美国最大的连锁会员制仓储量贩店。于1976年加州圣迭戈成立的Price Club,七年后华盛顿州西雅图成立的好市多,在2009年是美国第三大、世界第九大零售商。COSTCO验厂是COSTCO面向其供应商的一种符合性要求,主要是关于社会责任方面的。




发布者:admin 发布时间:2019-10-07 点击率:2347

100% - 85%的没有至关重要的审计设施为1年有效日期从审计——不需要进一步的行动。
        99% - 85%与临界审计有效机制之日起1年的审计。纠正措施计划(CAP)需要提供14天的审计。没有必要审核。
       不到85% - 70%审计6个月内有效日期,从审计。纠正措施计划(CAP)需要14天内提供的审计。CAP必须完成之前,在六个月内重新审核,并将在下次审核验证。
       不到70% - 60%审计有效3个月从日期的审计。纠正措施计划(CAP)需要14天内提供的审计。CAP必须完成前3个月之内重新审核。

问题关键标记(* *)表示Costco最基本方面的担心关于质量和安全。在失败的审计(总分低于85%),一个需要审核在一定时期。至少,关键的失败或之前,任何新生产的商品,Costco重新审核将不会安排,除非一个帽已经提交到Costco和批准所有违反或你的公司已经注意到Costco进行交流的原因不符合,认为可接受的推理是由Costco。
        问题评级指南:所有的问题回答是N / A必须由一个解释在评论部分
得三分对于每个星号(* *)标志着是的和1点每对所有其他标记是的减去N / A点从“最大可能点可用“获得”可调最大点”在每个部分如果任何问题标记N / A,并更新”的摘要指出,工厂取得了相应的表。

100% - 85%  no critical Audit Valid for facility for 1 year from the date of audit – No further  action required. 

 99% - 85% with critical Audit Valid for facility for 1 year from the date of audit.  Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is required to be provided with 14 days of audit.  No Re-Audit necessary.

 Less than 85% - 70% Audit Valid for 6 months from date of audit. Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is required to be provided within 14 days of audit. CAP must be completed prior to re audit within 6 months and will be verified at next audit.
        Less than 70% - 60%  Audit Valid for 3 months from date of audit. Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is required to be provided within 14 days of audit. CAP must be completed prior to the re audit within 3 months.
        Less than 60% No Certification, Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is required to be provided within 14 days of audit. Re Audit must take place within 60 days.
        Questions marked CRITICAL (with**) denote Costco’s most essential areas of concern regarding Quality and Safety. On FAILED audits (total score less than 85%), a re-audit is required within a certain period for, at minimum, the critical failures OR prior to any new production of Costco goods.

Re-Audits will not be scheduled unless a CAP has been submitted to Costco and approved for all noted violations OR your company has communicated with Costco the reasons for non-compliance and that reasoning was deemed acceptable by Costco. 
        Question Rating Guideline
:All questions answered as N/A must be supported by an explanation in the remarks section Score 3 points for each asterisk (**) marked yes and 1 point each for all others marked yes Subtract the N/A points from the “Maximum possible points available” to get the “Adjustable Maximum points” under each section if any question marked N/A, and update the“Summary of The Points That The factory Achieved”table accordingly


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